Pheromone-4 Vedic 10 ml Perfume del Shaman

Pheromone-4 Vedic 10 ml Perfume del Shaman

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Truly an ethereal otherworldly scent-sational experience that encompasses a well-balanced approach in regards to traditional perfuming - truly the essences of spiritual light that promote healing and resonates with positive energy, balancing, synergizing, altruistic. Through the annihilation of self, one may find his or her path which leads to steps of unity and oneness in all things. Though it is based upon oils of Ayurveda, it is masterfully crafted with clearly defined goals. The experience points to the fact that though all physical beings are reflective of positive and negative energy over time transformation occurs, and we gravitate towards what's best, and what's meant for us. The essential essence of life lives on in our collective memories and reemerges over time. Pheromone-4 VEDIC may unlock the mysteries, and aid in reimagining experiences via scent cues deeply embedded in our past. These cues prescribe to our higher self and its awareness is stimulated enhancing meditation, self-reflection and the inherent good.

Characteristics of Pheromone-4 VEDIC are synonymous with the positive light that is endemic to all... yet is forgotten. Adaptable to change in environment - it's balancing, holistic, it preserves, as we persevere through the challenges of our busy daily lives. Its healing properties are not in the abstract, but are a manifestation of being, seeing and knowing. A true perfume's complexity is best defined by its ability to repurpose and rejuvenate anti-cathartic properties. Though the Pheromone-4 VEDIC perfume is one of the inner healing properties, it does not lack of expressive and delightful olfactory performance, thus it is quintessentially the best of both worlds, homoeopathic and metaphysical. Pheromone-4 VEDIC is charming, outwardly evocative thought-provoking and inwardly meditative, a true perfume and a medicine for the spirit - soothing, calming, bringing order to an often chaotic world and ushering order to focus. Robust, hot-cool, naturally alternating - befitting to the climate. Wear it with a smile and see positive souls do attract in the ways of the shaman.

~ Sharif Laroche


La palabra feromona se deriva del griego phero, que significa "transportar" y hormona que significa "estimular". Las feromonas son sustancias químicas secretadas o excretadas por un individuo y pueden desencadenar ciertas respuestas sociales o de comportamiento en miembros de la misma especie. Las feromonas de alarma, las feromonas de los rastros alimentarios y las feromonas sexuales afectan el comportamiento de muchos insectos, vertebrados y plantas, actuando como mensajeros químicos entre individuos. Las respuestas químicas, neurológicas y fisiológicas de los receptores son reacciones naturales innatas a estas señales químicas. Las feromonas sexuales emitidas por machos y hembras informan a otros individuos sobre su especie, bienestar, capacidad reproductiva, disponibilidad y deseo. Ciertas sustancias, compuestos y estimulantes aumentan el nivel de hormonas sexuales; Los afrodisíacos de este tipo se pueden encontrar en plantas, hierbas y sustancias animales: se ha descubierto que el almizcle puro y el verdadero ámbar gris tienen cualidades afrodisíacas, actividad "feromonal", que desencadena respuestas fisiológicas y de comportamiento mediante su olor natural.


Que es civet
The Civet is a small sized, slender omnivorous solitary mammal which is native to tropical (southeast) Asia and Africa. Out of the dozen species of civet, the African (Palm) Civet (Civettictis civetta) is the most known, as this is the main species the civet musk used within perfumery comes from. The African Civet is uniquely recognized with black and white stripes and blotches, large hind quarters and an erectile dorsal crest. Names used for the Civet are "toddy cat" in English and "musang" in Malay, though referring to the African Civet as 'civet cat' is misleading, as this animal is not a feline, in fact, related to weasels and mongooses.


El ciervo almizclero se refiere a una de las siete especies que pertenecen a Moschus Moschidae, un ciervo primitivo más pequeño en comparación con el cérvido o verdadero ciervo. Este tipo de ciervo se encuentra en el Himalaya; Nepal, India, Tíbet, China, Siberia y Mongolia. Los mosquidos tienen patas traseras más largas que las delanteras y carecen de astas, pero el ciervo macho posee dientes en forma de colmillos y una glándula almizclera. La sustancia con un olor acre y penetrante producida por la "vaina" de la glándula almizclera del Moschid es el verdadero almizcle de ciervo puro.


Castoreum se refiere a la secreción amarillenta del saco de ricino (castor de olor) del Castor norteamericano (Castor Canadensis) o Castor europeo (Castor Fiber), dos tipos diferentes con diferente aroma y apariencia. Esta secreción castoreum ayuda a los castores a mantener su piel brillante y repelente al agua. Tanto los castores masculinos como femeninos utilizan la feromona con cordón castoreum mezclado con orina para marcar su territorio. Esta secreción se conoce por su uso en perfumería, uso medicinal y como aditivo alimentario.

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